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Our Predictions on Brake Drums

Our Predictions on Brake Drums

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As we’ve referenced in our previous article, in the summer of 2022, it’s still challenging to get drums, but how long will this continue?  What will be the price of a 16.5”x7” drum at the end of the year?  We’ll give you our predictions. Brake drum pricing this year and last year has been driven by both…

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Current State of the Heavy-Duty Wheel-End Market

Current State of the Heavy-Duty Wheel-End Market

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At DuraBrake, we constantly try to get a pulse of the North American wheel-end market, and it’s currently difficult to understand what is happening.  While it is still difficult for many WD’s or dealers to get drums, it appears to be a moving target.  Many WD’s and dealers currently have adequate inventory, have planned ahead, or haven’t…

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DuraBrake Is Now a VIPAR/Power Heavy Duty Supplier

DuraBrake Is Now a VIPAR/Power Heavy Duty Supplier

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DuraBrake has recently become a VIPAR/Power Heavy Duty supplier.  While we have supplied parts intermittently to Global Parts Network, this will be the first time our entire line will be available to all VIPAR and Power Heavy Duty members.  We are excited to be a part of the network and look forward to working with new members.  We…

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DuraBrake Ranks Highest in Customer Service, Second in Availability

DuraBrake Ranks Highest in Customer Service, Second in Availability

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DuraBrake likes to survey the industry about its performance and ways to improve as an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.  We recently sent out a survey to almost 2,000 WD’s and dealers asking which of five wheel-end companies they believed was best in customer service and which has the best availability.  We received 110 responses that included…

centrifuge style brake drums

DuraBrake Blue™ Steel Shell Brake Drums Replacing Cast Brake Drums?

DuraBrake Blue™ Steel Shell Brake Drums Replacing Cast Brake Drums?

centrifuge style brake drums

With the onset of rotors, and the uncertainties of production of Motor Wheel’s Centrifuse drum, many predicted that the steel-shell drum would soon phase out.  Then came COVID, which caused all types of supply chain issues.  Our industry has learned to be resourceful and accommodating and be much better planners during this time.  WD’s, dealers, and end-users have…

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