New Brake Drum Duties. New Brake Drum Prices. DuraBrake’s Cost-Competitive Options.
As mentioned in our previous articles, Webb has petitioned for antidumping and countervailing duties on cast iron brake drums MADE in China and Turkey and

Accuride’s Bankruptcy Effect On the Brake Drum and Wheel-End Industry
Heavy-duty wheel and wheel-end manufacturer Accuride Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on October 9, 2024. In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a company will typically reorganize

Brake Drum Price Increases
With the petition filed by Webb for anti-dumping duties (ADD) and countervailing duties (CVD) on 15” to 16.5” brake drums from China and Turkey, drum

Stop! It’s Brake Safety Week
This week is CVSA’s Brake Safety Week and it’s important to encourage your customers to ensure that their brakes are working correctly. Brake Safety Week is

2024 Brake Drum Issues
Just when we thought supply chain issues were over and brake drum prices were normalizing, two major issues have arisen causing turmoil in brake drum

Rebuilding Air Disc Brake Caliper vs. Buying a New Air Disc Brake Caliper
The brakes on your car, truck, trailer, bus, or specialty vehicle are an essential piece of equipment. If there’s a malfunction, there’s likely to be significant

Air Disc Brake Calipers – The Real Costs of Selling an OEM Brand and the Headache of Cores
We recently did an analysis for a WD customer that was buying air disc brake calipers directly from several OEM brake manufacturers (Bendix, Meritor, and

Beating Competitors in Air Disc Brakes
A few years ago, the demand for aftermarket air disc brake components did not seem to be that high. In the last couple of years, as
DANGER: Selling Brake Parts with No Brand
Now that there is generally a healthy inventory and capacity of brake parts around the world, warehouse distributors (WD’s) and truck/trailer dealers are looking to