
Dealer and Distributor Air Disc Brake Business

Dealer and Distributor Air Disc Brake Business


In 2022 and 2023, we saw a significant increase in the number of brake rotors and air disc brake calipers that DuraBrake was selling.  Part of the increase may be due to our improved sales and marketing efforts but it may also be due to the increase that everyone has been expecting to see for some…

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DuraBrake Hybrid Drum vs Competitors’ Severe Value Drum

DuraBrake Hybrid Drum vs Competitors’ Severe Value Drum

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Given the competitive nature of brake drums, one of the levers to reduce cost is to reduce the weight of the drum. It saves both on material costs, the most significant cost in a drum, and freight costs. However, we all know the primary role of a brake drum (or brake rotor) is to be…

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Keeping Margins in Brake Drums, Rotors and Calipers

Keeping Margins in Brake Drums, Rotors and Calipers

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Now that brake and wheel-end parts are easier to come by again, we’re seeing wheel-end manufacturers, distributors, and dealers reducing margins again to capture market share, like the way it was pre-pandemic. Before the pandemic, we had all heard stories of owner-operators going to the opposite end of town to literally save a dollar. The…

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DuraBrake is Now a Premium Name in Brake Drums and Air Disc Brakes

DuraBrake is Now a Premium Name in Brake Drums and Air Disc Brakes

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Five years ago, we had seen DuraBrake more regularly being referred to as a “value line”. That’s not the case anymore. More recently, we’ve seen more and larger customers using DuraBrake as their PRIMARY brake line because they know we’re going to give them the best overall program and support. Our team works exhaustively to…

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