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Fall 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update

Fall 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update

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Year 2020 has been a year of dealing with uncertainty and adapting to the current environment.  Every class of retail sales in the industry saw year over year downfall, likely due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  However, Class 8 market took the most noticeable drop at more than 60% decline in May 2020 compared to last…

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COVID-19 Effect on Trucking (Fall 2020)

COVID-19 Effect on Trucking (Fall 2020)

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There are signs that trucking market continues to perform at a level higher than the overall economy.  Perhaps because the shopping that consumers have been doing throughout the COVID-19 crisis has been mostly about products/goods and supplies rather than service and travel-oriented spending, keeping the trucking industry quite busy. This period of volume growth for the…

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Summer 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update

Summer 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update

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After 3 disappointing months, we can take a small sigh of relief in seeing the volume of North American Class 8 orders increase.  In June, the second highest numbers were reached this year.  No one can say if this is the beginning of a consistent trend or rebound, but for now it’s positive.  Preliminary net orders jumped just…

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Covid Effect on Trucking (Summer 2020)

Covid Effect on Trucking (Summer 2020)

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We have been moving slowly and nervously through this COVID-19 crisis now for more than 3 months.  We hear the word unprecedented over and over because we have no real experience to look back on, especially involving trucking.  Many trucking companies have adapted and learned how to be flexible, creative, prepared and determined.  But the pandemic has definitely…

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COVID-19 Pandemic & Market Woes (Spring 2020)

COVID-19 Pandemic & Market Woes (Spring 2020)

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The world has adapted and survived various ups and downs over decades, however the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge for lives of people, the way we live and world economies.  Current pandemic is creating more than just fear of catching the virus, it is impacting the commercial trucking industry severely.  With all forms of transportation being…

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