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Stemco Exits the Brake Drum Market

Stemco Exits the Brake Drum Market

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In a recent turn of events, Stemco has announced that they have made the difficult decision to depart from the brake products segment in addition to halting production of the Motor Wheel brake drums and Crewson brake adjuster product line at the end of July.   Stemco is making these changes in order to focus efforts and…

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Covid Effect on Trucking (Summer 2020)

Covid Effect on Trucking (Summer 2020)

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We have been moving slowly and nervously through this COVID-19 crisis now for more than 3 months.  We hear the word unprecedented over and over because we have no real experience to look back on, especially involving trucking.  Many trucking companies have adapted and learned how to be flexible, creative, prepared and determined.  But the pandemic has definitely…


Air Disc Brakes: Increasing Demand and Steady Growth

Air Disc Brakes: Increasing Demand and Steady Growth


In the last 5 years, air disc brakes (ADB) penetration in heavy-duty applications has grown from a range of 12 -15% to about 18-25%. This is strong growth for what’s still a relatively new option, but many of the brake makers see ADBs carving out an even larger slice of the pie in the near…

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COVID-19 Pandemic & Market Woes (Spring 2020)

COVID-19 Pandemic & Market Woes (Spring 2020)

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The world has adapted and survived various ups and downs over decades, however the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge for lives of people, the way we live and world economies.  Current pandemic is creating more than just fear of catching the virus, it is impacting the commercial trucking industry severely.  With all forms of transportation being…

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Spring 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update – How Bad Can It Get?

Spring 2020 Heavy Duty Industry Update – How Bad Can It Get?

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Not so long ago, forecasts for the 2020 truck and trailer market were that we should expect a “correction.”  The strong 2019 market began to lose its luster in the final months of the year and opened 2020 as expected, without a bang.  But how much worse it has actually become, could not have been forecasted.  The unprecedented…

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